Opus XVI Chamber Choir

Opus XVI Scholarship

For many years Opus XVl Chamber Choir has wished to support emerging musical talent and, thanks to a very generous donation, was able to advertise this year for a Music Scholar. This title, Music Scholar, was chosen to cover more than just choral singing, but also giving opportunities for the selected scholar to learn or improve conducting and accompanying with the guidance of our Music Director, while also understanding the organisational side of concert preparation. We advertised widely in March 2024, and were delighted to receive several very interesting applications. Following interviews and auditions, we were very happy to offer the post to April Wei-West, who started with the choir in September. April has already demonstrated her commitment to the learning process and is a valued member of the choir, with her beautiful voice, and clear goals.

April Wei-West

April is a London-based musician and PhD student at SOAS, University of London. From the age of 11 April has sung in church choirs, and since her undergraduate degree in music has taken up choral scholarship positions in several choirs, giving her the opportunity to perform at venues such as St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, the Royal Albert Hall, and several music festivals across the UK. Beyond singing, April plays piano and conducts music research in singing-voice synthesis software.

We are currently exploring possible ways to attract grant funding and/or donations to continue the experience into 2025-6 and beyond, knowing how difficult the current economic climate is for students just now. The scholarship is currently worth £900 per year to the successful candidate.


If you are interested in helping us support a Music Scholar in the future, please get in touch: enquiries@opus16.org.uk